MVP Development
Digital Strategy
Interface Design
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Artificial Intelligence


Pedagogue partnered with T&F to successfully develop a micro-learning platform for AI, going from idea to launch in just two months to debut at the World Economic Forum week.
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Pedagogue’s founders recognised the growing importance of learning AI. However, they noticed that current learning methods were often time-intensive and lacked practical applications. Motivated by a desire to make AI education more accessible, they set out to challenge the conventional one-size-fits-all approach.

However, with the World Economic Forum week approaching in just two months, they faced the challenge of transforming their idea into a fully launched value proposition within this short timeframe. Launching quickly would allow them to capture the opportunity and iterate based on customer needs, a strategy often employed by successful startups. They wanted to follow this approach to maximise their chances of success.


team member
team member
Product Manager
team member
Tech Lead
team member
team member
Senior Software Engineer

What we did

Thought&Function provided Pedagogue with a dedicated team, consisting of a Tech Lead, Designer, Product Manager, and Senior Engineer. We followed a well-defined process, divided into several key phases: discovery and strategy, design and MVP development.

Phase 1: Discovery and Strategy

The purpose of this phase was to gain a deep understanding of Pedagogue's vision, timelines, and their unique VARK and gamification strategy. We wanted to identify the minimal set of features that would deliver the most value to the user - the MVP. To achieve this, we used the following frameworks to inform our strategy:

  1. AARRR Framework: We used the AARRR framework to identify key features that maximised conversion throughout the customer journey, initially focusing on Acquisition, Activation, and Retention. This helped us refine our strategy for driving user growth and revenue.
  2. User Story Mapping: To outline our product roadmap and key rollouts, we leveraged user story mapping to help visualise the user journey and prioritise lower-risk, high-value features.

The outcome of this phase was a clear understanding of Pedagogue's goals and a defined strategy for achieving them. We identified the key features that would be included in the MVP and developed a roadmap to guide our development efforts, ensuring that we remained focused on delivering value to the user.

Pedgogue discovery and strategy board
User story map incorporating the AARRR strategy

Phase 2: Design

Following the initial discovery, we advanced through a structured design process to facilitate a highly engaging learning experience:


We began by analysing existing patterns in the micro-learning landscape, informed by discovery outcomes.

Pedagogue Design images


With insights in hand, we used Figma to outline the app’s structure and the user’s learning experience.

Pedagogue wireframe images


We then translated our plans into reality, crafting a visually appealing and intuitive interface.

Pedagogue UI images


To make the learning experience more interactive, we introduced dynamic animations that complemented the content.

Pedagogue app animation 1
Three stars animation

Pedagogue app animation 2
Correct answer animation

Landing Page:

Finally, we designed a captivating landing page for attracting users and initiating engagement, aligning with our acquisition and activation strategy.

Pedagogue landing page image

Technical Architecture

While developing the UX designs, we also designed a scalable and robust technical architecture:

Pedagogue technical architecture
  • Frontend: React Native enables us to create a cross-platform application for both iOS and Android.
  • Backend & Middleware: PostgreSQL and Google Cloud Storage are used for data storage and file management, while Firebase handles authentication and notifications, and Load Balancers along with Cloud Task Queue are used for handling asynchronous and background tasks.
  • App Services: Google App Engine hosts our services, including user identity, session management, course content delivery, analytics, and notifications.
  • Monitoring & Analytics: Amplitude is used for user behaviour tracking, Sentry for error monitoring, and Google Cloud Logging for troubleshooting.

Phase 3: MVP Development

With the designs and architecture in place, we embarked on the MVP Development, guided by two main approaches:

  1. Agile Development: We structured our development workflow around agile methodologies to ensure flexibility, iterative progress, and alignment with Pedagogue's vision and user needs.
  2. Early Launch: Anticipating the lengthy review process for our initial app store submission, we also planned an early launch with a simple, functional app version before Christmas. This allowed us to quickly move through the initial review, setting the stage for faster rollouts of updates and enhancements.
Pedagogue MVP  development image

The Project

The outcome

In just two months, we successfully launched on both the Apple and Android stores, marking a significant early milestone for Pedagogue. This achievement enabled the founders to present the app at the prestigious #DavosWorldEconomicForum, where it received an overwhelming response and led to securing pre-seed investment.

Optimising User Engagement

The app introduced a host of unique approaches to transform newcomers into active learners:

Pedagogue image optimising user engagement

  • Enhancing the First 20 Seconds: From the moment users open the app, we ensure they are immediately engaged with motivational cues and positive feedback, deferring registration to capture interest.
  • VARK & Gamification: We developed various lesson formats to cater for Visual, Audio, Reading, and Kinaesthetic learners, incorporating game-like features to enhance engagement.
  • Sign-Up Incentives: Finally, to transform initial interest into active participation, we've introduced enticing sign-up rewards.

Maximising User Acquisition

Building on this momentum, we further optimised user acquisition by designing a high-conversion landing page, incorporating UX and UI best practices to increase conversion rates and effectively engage prospective users.

Pedagogue image maximising user aquisition

Gathering User Feedback

To continually refine and evolve the offering, we placed a strong emphasis on tracking feedback for iterative development. This was achieved by:

Direct User Feedback:

Allowing users to upvote future course topics and provide feedback through Typeform.

Pedagogue user feedback image

HubSpot Integration:

Streamlining our outreach efforts by automatically creating HubSpot contacts during user registration.

Tracking with Amplitude:

Utilising Amplitude to analyse user behaviour and retention metrics, ensuring we remain responsive to our users' needs and preferences.

Pedagogue tracking with amplitude images
Amplitude analytics dashboard

This strategic and comprehensive approach not only ensured a successful launch but also established a foundation for ongoing growth and iterative improvement.


In conclusion, by prioritising the most impactful features and optimising development, we were able to accelerate Pedagogue's market entry and funding success. Furthermore, by implementing frameworks for maximising growth and integrating tracking and feedback mechanisms, we've enabled Pedagogue to adapt to user feedback and market trends, laying a solid foundation for product-led growth.

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